
Luke: On the Road to Jerusalem is unavailable, but you can change that!

This layman’s commentary on the gospel of Luke will encourage you to take a fresh look at what can feel like a very familiar book. Let Dale Ralph Davis to guide you through Luke’s investigation into the man Jesus, who has come to seek and to save the lost. Following on from volume one, this book picks up at the beginning of chapter 14 and includes a number of Jesus’ parables, as well as his...

is an over-used word in my country. If the interior of your auto is reasonably clean, a passenger may say it is ‘incredible.’ It’s not. But this is. Have you read Jeremiah’s prophecy? The ‘covenant people’ are in rebellion big-time and so far gone that Yahweh forbids Jeremiah to pray for them. Yet here He’s going to cut a new covenant with them. Why, why is He doing this? Why does Yahweh still insist on messing with Israel? Hasn’t He yet learned how perverse they are? Can you catch the shock in this
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